I heard the words of a voice that was clear

the words that were spoken are I am here.

The Comforter from God called the Holy Spirit

and the message that was spoken, I did hear it.


Saying I have to be careful when making a choice,

by making sure I’m listening to the right voice.

Through prayer and supplication it was made clear,

that it was God who spoke the words of I am here.


God says I am here so that I will recognize,

so I won’t be deceived by the father of all lies.

The enemy comes to kill, destroy, and to steal,

that’s why I need to follow God’s word that’s real.


I am here are those three words God does say

which guides and directs me throughout every day.

When I have faith in God it will drown out all fear,

as long as I listen to God’s three words I am here.




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